Exclusive sets of badges and new The Book the Lost edition released to fund new album

23rd June 2017

The Rowan Amber Mill are in the middle of mixing their forthcoming album with the multi-talented Angeline Morrison. All is progressing well, and mixing is taking longer than usual due to it being a "big" album.

With mixing progressing, our thoughts have now been allowed to drift towards the forthcoming album's packaging, and how we might fund the initial outlay for the release. We considered trying a Kickfunding or Crowdstarter campaign, but instead have decided to begin the album fundraiser by making available sets of badges containing the Rowan Amber Mill's album covers and some of their other artwork, plus a brand new limited numbered Super Deluxe Edition of The Book of the Lost.

There will be five sets of badges available in total. All of the badge sets will be made available exclusively over at the Rowan Amber Mill Bandcamp page. The new The Book of the Lost Super Deluxe Edition will be available both at the Rowan Amber Mill Bandcamp page and at the Millersounds Store. All proceeds will be used to fund the new album's release.

The Book of the Lost : Super Deluxe Edition - A new limited hand numbered edition that includes the standard digipack edition plus die cut slip case, five new super-glossy lobby cards, and five newly designed badges.

Badge set 1: Rowan Amber Mill set 1 - Consists of four badges featuring three images taken from Rowan Amber Mill front covers (Folk Devils and Moral Panics,Midsummers and Heartwood) plus a badge of the MillerSounds logo.

Badge set 2: Rowan Amber Mill set 2 - Consists of four badges featuring three images taken from Rowan Amber Mill front covers (The Book of the Lost, Are Friends Electric? and Silent Night Songs) plus a badge of the familiar transparent Rowan Amber Mill logo used for the last couple of years on Facebook, Twitter etc.

Badge set 3: The Book of the Lost - Consists of five badges featuring images taken from The Book of the Lost by Emily Jones and The Rowan Amber Mill.

Badge set 4: Stones and Hills - Consists of five badges featuring images taken by The Rowan Amber Mill on their travels, all put through their favoured filters. If you follow the Rowan Amber Mill Instagram page you'll have seen some of these before. Images include Avebury Stone Circle standing stones, Avebury Avenue standing stone, Silbury Hill, Dragon Hill in Uffington and Hay Tor.

Badge set 5: Tree art - Consists of five badges featuring images inspired trees taken and reformed by The Rowan Amber Mill. Much of their downtime is taken up with photographing trees, so again, head over to the Rowan Amber Mill Instagram page if you want to see more.

If you want to keep up with all the minutiae of what the Rowan Amber Mill, are getting up to, then why not check them out on their FaceBook, Twitter or Instagram presences. At these places, they regularly reveal their internal monologues, musings, recommendations and quite a lot of photos of trees. Why not pop over and say hello!

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