The Rowan Amber Mill announce new project Rowan : Morrison
21st September 2018
We are delighted to announce that a project very many years in the
pipeline is now readying for release under the moniker Rowan :
Rowan : Morrison is the chosen moniker of the musical collaboration
between The Rowan Amber Mill and Angeline Morrison. They have been
working very hard on this project for a number of years and they are
very excited to see the project finally coming to fruition, and also at
being able to share it with you.
To mark the announcement, and to reward the patience of those
who have been patiently waiting for news of this very long promised
project, Rowan : Morrison are giving away a free download of the new
vocal version of The Buzzard and the Nightingale. You can download it
from their Bandcamp page.
(To get it for free just add zero into the name your price box). This
free download will remain available until 28th September 2018.
Further details of the project will follow on the 28th September
(along with another free track) and we will also include a link to
pre-order the Rowan : Morrison seven track CD - so stay tuned.
If you want to keep up with all the minutiae of what the Rowan Amber Mill, are getting up to, then why not check them out on their FaceBook, Twitter or Instagram presences. At these places, they regularly reveal their internal monologues, musings, recommendations and quite a lot of photos of trees. Why not pop over and say hello!