The Rowan Amber Mill release first new CD in three years
23rd January 2018
It has been a long time coming but The Rowan Amber Mill have today released a new CD called Harvest the Ears - Cuts from the folk horror archive - vol. 1.
We'll let the Rowans explain:- "Harvest the Ears is a collection of new and old songs and tunes, either previously unreleased or released elsewhere and now remastered.
They probably fit under the genre of Folk Horror, that's the way we think of them anyway.
We thought it was about time to release some of those many cuts languishing in our archive, so here they are - the first volume."
Here is what the wonderful people over at Folk Horror Revival had to say in their glowing review of Harvest the Ears - "This is an album then that belies its compilation or assorted collection status; it genuinely works as a piece in its own right and sits comfortably and confidently alongside the other Rowan Amber Mill recordings. Highly recommended to those who are keen on investigating the musical side of the folk horror revival, this is indeed a rich harvest for the ears. Time to gather the corn."
You can order Harvest the Ears from us over on the Rowan Amber Mill Bandcamp page. Included with the CD pre-order is immediate digital download of all of the tracks. Tracks are also made available in FLAC format (for the serious audiophiles among you).
Alternatively, you can order the CD direct from our very own MillerSounds store.
Harvest the Ears collectors edition - A brand new limited hand-numbered edition in a collectors tin that includes four glossy postcard prints, three newly designed badges, comprehensive liner notes and full colour CD-r.
If you want to keep up with all the minutiae of what the Rowan Amber Mill, are getting up to, then why not check them out on their FaceBook, Twitter or Instagram presences. At these places, they regularly reveal their internal monologues, musings, recommendations and quite a lot of photos of trees. Why not pop over and say hello!